
Friday, 16 May 2014

Character Profile of a Scientist

We have been learning about the fields of science that one certain scientist contributed to in this writing framework. Take a look!

  1. Pick a scientist from the list.
  2. Think/Pair/Share - Discuss with a buddy the significant contributions your scientist has made to their field of science.
  3. Complete the character profile below of a famous scientist.

character profile of a scientist

Archimedes (Last name unknown) C. 287 BC - C. 212 BC
country of origin:
Archimedes was born in the Greek city-state Syracuse on the island of Sicily.
science area:
Archimedes is a mathematician, inventor, engineer, astronomer and physicist.
Significant contribution to their field of science
Archimedes contributed to 3 discoveries:
  • Although there is debate, it is said that he discovered how to use mirrors to burn attacking ships during an attack on Syracuse
  • Archimedes also calculated Pi. Pi is exactly 3.14159265, this is one of the reasons why Archimedes is one of the three greatest mathematicians of all time judging by the tools he used to calculate it.
  • Archimedes also created a miniature planetarium which people didn’t believe he accomplish due to Greeks not knowing about it. In 1902 it was proven that the Greeks had the knowledge of this.
What impact has their invention had on the world?
Archimedes has had an impact because he was around a few millennia ago, and yet he still had knowledge of pi and all of his inventions.

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