Tamaki Cluster School Tournament
The Tamaki cluster competed in a tournament starting off with four pools for each team to compete before their semi-finals. All teams came ready for a bright day before and after the tournament held at the AMI Netball Centre on Wednesday the 4th June, 2014. The Tamaki 2 (Year 7's) team placed second in their pool and Tamaki 3 (Year 8's) came first in their pool. Sadly Tamaki 1 (Also Year 7's) came last for their pool, as the Tamaki motto goes, Humble Winners, Gracious Losers. Also the Year 5 teams played, although I do not know the results of their team. Either way every team tried their hardest and had a fun, hot day in the sun.
I really like how you have included information about the other teams that participated on the day Jayden. Your mention of the T.P.S. sport motto of Humble Winners, Gracious Losers is a great way to reflect on the different results of our teams.